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Gilman Municipality Schedule: Educating the Community on the Upcoming Referendum Tuesday, April 16, 2024// DYCA PIO

Yap, FSM- The Executive Task Force is conducting vital public education sessions across municipalities in the State of Yap, regarding the upcoming referendum on May 31, 2024. These sessions are essential to our community as discussions will focus on the question: "Shall the State of Yap commence a review of its political status?" The upcoming session will take place in Gilman municipality at the Gilman Elementary School on Friday, May 10th, 2024, starting at 11 am.

Please make time to join the session at your community's meeting. Spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors–more details to follow.

(Again, please register to vote if you are the age 18 and older at the Election Office, or visit the website at, or call the Election Office at (691)350-6130, or call DYCA at 350-2168. Thank you.)

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